Master the Skills of
Classroom Management

and create the learning environment you've always wanted

Tools for Teaching was developed by studying successful teachers and identifying the fundamental skills that set them apart. Let us share these essential skills and strategies with you.

Learn To REDUCE:

  • Student Disruptions
  • Backtalk
  • Helpless Handraising
  • Stress

Learn to INCREASE:

  • Time-on-Task
  • Independent Learning
  • Comprehension 

Enroll Today!

Get your students on-task and learning more immediately.

Topics and Agenda

This training will introduce you to the foundational skills of Tools for Teaching through the lens of discipline management.

Below is a list of topics and general agenda. There will be a short break between each section.

Preventing Disruptions through Effective Instruction

  • Working the Crowd and Room Arrangement
  • The Helpless Handraisers and Corrective Feedback
  • Praise, Prompt & Leave
  • Visual Instructional Plans

Remediating Discipline Problems with Minimal Stress

  • Calm Is Strength
  • Meaning Business & Body Language
  • Dealing with Backtalk

What teachers are saying about Tools for Teaching

  • Marcy Simon, Principal

    Just wanted to say thank you. As I walked through the building on Friday as we were getting ready for students, many teachers had their desk in the fan shape. We really enjoyed the training and teachers appreciated being able to walk away and have something to implement the next day.

  • Kimberly Austill, Teacher

    Thank you for making it possible to enjoy working with my students again! As a second year teacher, I didn't have a set discipline policy yet. I was still trying to figure out what worked, now I know! I have a plan and steps to carry it out.

  • Sue Meredith, Teacher

    Visual instruction plans are the best thing ever. I couldn’t believe how my math class improved after I began making these, even though mine are not works of art. The kids “got” things so quickly that they used to struggle with. I asked them if they liked them, and they said they loved them and wanted some to take home to use when doing their homework!


Lead Trainer

Patrick Jones

Patrick Jones has been working with Fred since the mid-nineties and giving workshops since 2006. Since Fred retired in 2014, Patrick has been the lead trainer and consultant for Tools for Teaching. He has a Masters of Education from UC Santa Cruz and was a secondary teacher many years, as well as Director of Title I. He was also a long-time girls and boys varsity basketball coach. He worked side-by-side with Dr. Jones to produce all of the Tools for Teaching courses and materials.

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Get the essential skills of
Tools for Teaching
and change your classroom!