
Solum Community

Course curriculum

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    • You GET OUT what you PUT IN!

    • The Four Columns

    • Welcome the The Tools for Teaching Parent Edition

    • Calm Is Strength, Upset Is Weakness

    • Calm is Strength Quick Quiz

    • Staying Calm in the Moment

    • Breathing Quiz

    • The Body Language of Meaning Business

    • Okay.. How did that practice go

    • Body Language Quiz

    • What Makes You A Hero?

    • Roadmapping

    • Upload the roadmap

    • Review Roadmap Event

    • Responding to Backtalk

    • Yabbba Dabba Doooo!

    • The Importance of Consistency

    • Consistency Quiz

    • Rules and Consequences

    • Family Rules _ Creating Structure _ Essentials _ Parenting Information _ CDC

    • Family Rules and Routines Exercise

    • Parenting Rules and Routines...

    • Parenting Know the Roles

    • Parenting Clarify the Rules

    • Parenting Set Routines

    • Yabba Dabba Doooo!

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    • Core Issues in Communication

    • The Importance of Routines

    • Chores and Responsibility

    • Routines in My House

    • Routines Quiz

    • Speaker Listener - Prep Lesson

    • Taking Habits to School

    • Teaching Your Children To Do It Right

    • Do a routine / chore picture model

    • Yabba Dabba Dooooooo, I'm so proud of youuuu

    • Building Motivation

    • Push vs. Pull Motivation

    • Consequences and Routines Quiz

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    • Danger Signs

    • Time Outs

    • Teaching Right from Wrong

    • Telling the Truth

    • Solving Disputes Between Friends

    • Making Things Right

    • Constructive Punishment

    • Congrats... You are making life happen for your family

    • The Power of Forgiveness

    • Building Relationships

    • Q - Build Relationships

    • Inconsistency Leads to Testing

    • Forgiveness Imperative

    • Protecting Relationships

    • Avoiding the Punishment Trap

    • Q - Avoiding Punishment

    • Congrats... You are making life happen for your family

    • The Pitfalls of Severe Punishment

    • S - Avoiding the pain points

    • Avoiding the Nagging Trap

    • Preferred Activities

    • Q - What is the best preferred activity

    • Avoiding Defensiveness

    • Final Thoughts

    • Completion Survey